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Paying for Your Next Opportunity


Scholarship Opportunities can be a great way to help offset the cost of your next adventure. They typically come in three levels:


Local Scholarships

College/University Scholarships

National Scholarships


There are scholarships based on all different factors out there and are available to students regardless of what their plan might be after graduation. Whether you plan to attend a University, Community College, Trade School, or Career Opportunity...There are scholarships for you.

Financial Aid

The Financial Aid process will begin October 1st of your senior year. It is important that you complete your FAFSA or TASFA as quickly as possible after October 1st. 


Financial Aid will open up opportunities to help off set the cost of a College, University, or Trade School in these forms:







Pflugerville ISD does currently require all students to fill out either the FAFSA or TASFA application to graduate.


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